

Low vision spectacles are monocular or binocular convex reading lenses mounted in standard full diameter or half-eye frame. The convex lens functions to enlarge the images projected on the retina. The lenticular design lenses have less peripheral abrasions. The powers range up to + 24.00Ds. Spectacle magnifiers are used for tasks such as long-term reading, writing, needlework, making invoices and receipts etc. This device is available in India. The advantages of spectacle magnifiers are: They feel psychologically more comfortable and can be more easily incorporated into one's daily life as compared to a telescope. Spectacles are particularly useful for prolonged reading. They provide the widest field of view. Low vision spectacles leave your hands free and make jobs requiring manual adjustments and manipulations much easier to perform. Like telescopes, low vision spectacles also have some disadvantages: They require closer working distances, which may obstruct illumination and make writing difficult if the lens add is stronger than +10 D. They can be inconvenient (because you might need to change glasses) for spot reading tasks, where information is gained from single words or short phrases, such as price tags. They are difficult to use for patients with eccentric viewing that requires eye/head turns as the working distance and optical centre is fixed.


Vendor's Name: L.V. Prasad Eye Institute
Address: Vision Rehabilitation Centres
L V Prasad Marg, Banjara Hills
Phone No.: 04030612820
Spectacle Magnifiers